#!/bin/bash # Build docker image # Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2020-2028. All rights reserved. # #openGauss is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. #You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. #You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # # http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, # EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, # MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # buildDockerImage.sh # Build docker image # # IDENTIFICATION # GaussDBKernel/server/docker/dockerfiles/buildDockerImage.sh # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- usage() { cat << EOF Usage: buildDockerImage.sh -v [version] [-i] [Docker build option] Builds a Docker Image for openGauss Parameters: -v: version to build Choose one of: $(for i in $(ls -d */); do echo -n "${i%%/} "; done) -i: ignores the SHA256 checksums LICENSE UPL 1.0 EOF } # Validate packages checksum_packages() { if [ "${arch}" = "amd64" ]; then sha256_file="sha256_file_amd64" else sha256_file="sha256_file_arm64" fi if hash sha256sum 2>/dev/null; then echo "Checking if required packages are present and valid..." if ! sha256sum -c "$sha256_file"; then echo "SHA256 for required packages to build this image did not match!" echo "Make sure to download missing files in folder $VERSION." exit 1; fi else echo "Ignored SHA256 sum, 'sha256sum' command not available."; fi } # Check Docker version check_docker_version() { # Get Docker Server version echo "Checking Docker version." DOCKER_VERSION=$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version | printf "%.5s" }}'|| exit 0) # Remove dot in Docker version docker_version_major=$(echo $DOCKER_VERSION | awk -F . '{print $1}') if [ -z "$DOCKER_VERSION" ]; then # docker could be aliased to podman and errored out (https://github.com/containers/libpod/pull/4608) echo "Please check if docker is installed." && exit 1 elif [ "$docker_version_major" -lt "${MIN_DOCKER_VERSION_MAJOR}" ]; then echo "Docker version is below the minimum required version $MIN_DOCKER_VERSION_MAJOR.$MIN_DOCKER_VERSION_MINOR" echo "Please upgrade your Docker installation to proceed." exit 1; fi } ############## #### MAIN #### ############## # Parameters VERSION="5.0.0" SKIPCHECKSUM=0 DOCKEROPS="" MIN_DOCKER_VERSION_MAJOR="17" MIN_DOCKER_VERSION_MINOR="09" arch=$(case $(uname -m) in i386) echo "386" ;; i686) echo "386" ;; x86_64) echo "amd64";; aarch64)echo "arm64";; esac) file_arch="" if [ "${arch}" = "amd64" ]; then file_arch="x86_64" if [ -f "/etc/openEuler-release" ];then DOCKERFILE="dockerfile_x86" else DOCKERFILE="dockerfile_amd" fi else file_arch="aarch64" DOCKERFILE="dockerfile_arm" fi if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then usage; exit 1; fi while getopts "hesxiv:o:" optname; do case "$optname" in "h") usage exit 0; ;; "i") SKIPCHECKSUM=1 ;; "v") VERSION="$OPTARG" ;; "o") DOCKEROPS="$OPTARG" ;; "?") usage; exit 1; ;; *) # Should not occur echo "Unknown error while processing options inside buildDockerImage.sh" ;; esac done check_docker_version # openGauss Database Image Name IMAGE_NAME="opengauss:$VERSION" # Go into version folder cd "$VERSION" || { echo "Could not find version directory '$VERSION'"; exit 1; } if [ ! "$SKIPCHECKSUM" -eq 1 ]; then checksum_packages else echo "Ignored SHA256 checksum." fi echo "==========================" echo "DOCKER info:" docker info echo "==========================" # Proxy settings PROXY_SETTINGS="" if [ "${http_proxy}" != "" ]; then PROXY_SETTINGS="$PROXY_SETTINGS --build-arg http_proxy=${http_proxy}" fi if [ "${https_proxy}" != "" ]; then PROXY_SETTINGS="$PROXY_SETTINGS --build-arg https_proxy=${https_proxy}" fi if [ "${ftp_proxy}" != "" ]; then PROXY_SETTINGS="$PROXY_SETTINGS --build-arg ftp_proxy=${ftp_proxy}" fi if [ "${no_proxy}" != "" ]; then PROXY_SETTINGS="$PROXY_SETTINGS --build-arg no_proxy=${no_proxy}" fi if [ "$PROXY_SETTINGS" != "" ]; then echo "Proxy settings were found and will be used during the build." fi # ################## # # BUILDING THE IMAGE # # ################## # echo "Building image '$IMAGE_NAME' ..." # BUILD THE IMAGE (replace all environment variables) BUILD_START=$(date '+%s') if [ -f "/etc/openEuler-release" ];then opengauss_files_tar=(openGauss-Server-*-openEuler20.03-${file_arch}.tar.bz2) if [[ ${#opengauss_files_tar[@]} -ne 1 || ! -f "${opengauss_files_tar[0]}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: unable to choose server pkg" echo "${opengauss_files_tar[0]}" exit 1 fi opengauss_tar="${opengauss_files_tar[0]}" opengauss_version=$(echo "${opengauss_tar}" | sed "s/.*openGauss-Server-\(.*\)-openEuler20.03-${file_arch}.tar.bz2/\1/") else opengauss_version="" fi echo "version number=${opengauss_version}" if [ ! test -f scws.tar.gz ]; then echo "Could not find scws.tar.gz." echo "If chparser will not be used, please modify the dockerfile by removing lines containing scws." fi docker build --build-arg VERSION=$opengauss_version --force-rm=true --no-cache=true \ $DOCKEROPS $PROXY_SETTINGS \ -t $IMAGE_NAME -f $DOCKERFILE . || { echo "" echo "ERROR: openGauss Database Docker Image was NOT successfully created." echo "ERROR: Check the output and correct any reported problems with the docker build operation." exit 1 } # Remove dangling images (intermitten images with tag ) yes | docker image prune > /dev/null BUILD_END=$(date '+%s') BUILD_ELAPSED=$(expr $BUILD_END - $BUILD_START) echo "" echo "" cat << EOF openGauss Docker Image $VERSION is ready to be extended: --> $IMAGE_NAME Build completed in $BUILD_ELAPSED seconds. EOF