#!/bin/bash # create master and slave # Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2020-2028. All rights reserved. # #openGauss is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. #You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. #You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # # http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, # EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, # MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # create_master_slave.sh # create master and slave # # IDENTIFICATION # GaussDBKernel/server/docker/dockerfiles/create_master_slave.sh # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #set OG_SUBNET,GS_PASSWORD,MASTER_IP,SLAVE_1_IP,MASTER_HOST_PORT,MASTER_LOCAL_PORT,SLAVE_1_HOST_PORT,SLAVE_1_LOCAL_PORT,MASTER_NODENAME,SLAVE_NODENAME # Define default values NETWORK_NAME="opengaussnetwork" OG_SUBNET="" GS_PASSWORD="Enmo@123" MASTER_IP="" MASTER_HOST_PORT="5432" MASTER_NODENAME="dn_6001" VERSION="5.0.0" # Define default values for slaves SLAVE_IP=("" "" "" "" "" "" "" "") SLAVE_HOST_PORT=("6432" "7432" "8432" "9432" "10432" "11432" "12432" "13432") SLAVE_NODENAME=("dn_6002" "dn_6003" "dn_6004" "dn_6005" "dn_6006" "dn_6007" "dn_6008" "dn_6009") SLAVE_COUNT=1 ARGS=$(getopt -o h --long OG_SUBNET:,GS_PASSWORD:,MASTER_IP:,MASTER_HOST_PORT:,MASTER_LOCAL_PORT:,MASTER_NODENAME:,VERSION:,SLAVE_COUNT:,NETWORK_NAME: -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "鍙傛暟瑙f瀽閿欒" exit 1 fi eval set -- "$ARGS" # Use getopts to process command line arguments while true; do case "$1" in -h) echo "Usage: $0 [--OG_SUBNET value] [--GS_PASSWORD value] [--MASTER_IP value] [--MASTER_HOST_PORT value] [--MASTER_NODENAME value] [--VERSION value] [--SLAVE_COUNT value] [--SLAVE_NODENAME value] [--SLAVE_IP value] [--SLAVE_HOST_PORT value] [--NETWORK_NAME value]" shift ;; --OG_SUBNET) OG_SUBNET="$2" shift 2 ;; --GS_PASSWORD) GS_PASSWORD="$2" shift 2 ;; --MASTER_IP) MASTER_IP="$2" shift 2 ;; --MASTER_HOST_PORT) MASTER_HOST_PORT="$2" shift 2 ;; --MASTER_LOCAL_PORT) MASTER_LOCAL_PORT="$2" shift 2 ;; --MASTER_NODENAME) MASTER_NODENAME="$2" shift 2 ;; --VERSION) VERSION="$2" shift 2 ;; --SLAVE_COUNT) SLAVE_COUNT="$2" shift 2 ;; --NETWORK_NAME) NETWORK_NAME="$2" shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done # Output the set values echo "OG_SUBNET set $OG_SUBNET" echo "GS_PASSWORD set $GS_PASSWORD" echo "MASTER_IP set $MASTER_IP" echo "MASTER_HOST_PORT set $MASTER_HOST_PORT" echo "MASTER_NODENAME set $MASTER_NODENAME" echo "openGauss VERSION set $VERSION" echo "SLAVE_COUNT set $SLAVE_COUNT" echo "SLAVE_NODENAME set $SLAVE_NODENAME" echo "SLAVE_IP set $SLAVE_IP" echo "SLAVE_HOST_PORT set $SLAVE_HOST_PORT" echo "NETWORK_NAME set $NETWORK_NAME" # Loop through and process each slave's information for (( i=0; i<SLAVE_COUNT; i++ )); do echo "SLAVE_${i}_IP set${SLAVE_IP[$i]}" echo "SLAVE_${i}_HOST_PORT set${SLAVE_HOST_PORT[$i]}" echo "SLAVE_${i}_NODENAME set${SLAVE_NODENAME[$i]}" done echo "starting " # Create the network docker network create --subnet=$OG_SUBNET $NETWORK_NAME \ || { echo "" echo "ERROR: OpenGauss Database Network was NOT successfully created." echo "HINT: opengaussnetwork Maybe Already Exsist Please Execute 'docker network rm opengaussnetwork' " exit 1 } echo "OpenGauss Database Network Created." # Create the master container REPL_CONN_INFO_MASTER="" local_info="localhost=$MASTER_IP localport=$((MASTER_HOST_PORT+1)) localservice=$((MASTER_HOST_PORT+4)) localheartbeatport=$((MASTER_HOST_PORT+5))" for (( i=0; i<SLAVE_COUNT; i++ )); do remote_port=${SLAVE_HOST_PORT[$i]} remote_info="remotehost=${SLAVE_IP[$i]} remoteport=$((remote_port+1)) remoteservice=$((remote_port+4)) remoteheartbeatport=$((remote_port+5))" REPL_CONN_INFO_MASTER+="replconninfo$((i+1)) = '$local_info $remote_info'\n" done docker run --network $NETWORK_NAME --ip $MASTER_IP --privileged=true \ --name $MASTER_NODENAME -h $MASTER_NODENAME -p $MASTER_HOST_PORT:$MASTER_HOST_PORT -d \ -e GS_PORT=$MASTER_HOST_PORT \ -e OG_SUBNET=$OG_SUBNET \ -e GS_PASSWORD="$GS_PASSWORD" \ -e NODE_NAME="$MASTER_NODENAME" \ -e REPL_CONN_INFO="$REPL_CONN_INFO_MASTER" \ opengauss:$VERSION -M primary \ || { echo "" echo "ERROR: OpenGauss Database Master Docker Container was NOT successfully created." exit 1 } echo "OpenGauss Database Master Docker Container created." sleep 30s # Create the slave containers for (( i=0; i<SLAVE_COUNT; i++ )); do # Get the slave's information REPL_CONN_INFO_SLAVE="" local_port=${SLAVE_HOST_PORT[$i]} local_info="localhost=${SLAVE_IP[$i]} localport=$((local_port+1)) localservice=$((local_port+4)) localheartbeatport=$((local_port+5))" remote_master_info="remotehost=$MASTER_IP remoteport=$((MASTER_HOST_PORT+1)) remoteservice=$((MASTER_HOST_PORT+4)) remoteheartbeatport=$((MASTER_HOST_PORT+5))" k=1 REPL_CONN_INFO_SLAVE="replconninfo${k} = '$local_info $remote_master_info'\n" for (( j=0; j<SLAVE_COUNT; j++ )); do if [[ $i -eq $j ]]; then continue fi k=$((k+1)) remote_port=${SLAVE_HOST_PORT[$j]} remote_info="remotehost=${SLAVE_IP[$j]} remoteport=$((remote_port+1)) remoteservice=$((remote_port+4)) remoteheartbeatport=$((remote_port+5))" REPL_CONN_INFO_SLAVE+="replconninfo${k} = '$local_info $remote_info'\n" done echo "REPL_CONN_INFO_SLAVE=$REPL_CONN_INFO_SLAVE" # Create the slave container docker run --network $NETWORK_NAME --ip ${SLAVE_IP[$i]} --privileged=true \ --name ${SLAVE_NODENAME[$i]} -h ${SLAVE_NODENAME[$i]} -p $local_port:$local_port -d \ -e GS_PORT=$local_port \ -e OG_SUBNET=$OG_SUBNET \ -e GS_PASSWORD="$GS_PASSWORD" \ -e NODE_NAME="${SLAVE_NODENAME[$i]}" \ -e REPL_CONN_INFO="$REPL_CONN_INFO_SLAVE" \ opengauss:$VERSION -M standby \ || { echo "" echo "ERROR: OpenGauss Database ${SLAVE_NODENAME[$i]} Docker Container was NOT successfully created." exit 1 } echo "OpenGauss Database ${SLAVE_NODENAME[$i]} Docker Container created." sleep 30s done